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All actions from second National Implementation Plan – collated

See below all the actions contained in the 2022-2024 SDG National Implementation Plan.

Those highlighted in yellow are related actions from other plans.

Times named as ‘Lead Department’

Note the number of actions attributed to various departments.

  1. Department of Environment, Climate and Communications: 77

  2. Central Statistics Office: 8

  3. Department of Environment, Climate and Communications & one other dept: 7

  4. Department of Environment, Climate and Communications & two other depts: 2

  5. All Government Departments: 5

  6. Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: 1

  7. Office of the Government Chief Information Officer: 1

  8. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage: 4

  9. Local Authorities1Interdepartmental Working Group: 1

  10. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: 2

  11. Department of Rural and Community Development & Local Government Management Agency: 3

  12. All libraries: 2

  13. Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: 2

  14. Sport Ireland: 1

  15. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: 1

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