By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.

CSO data

Status: Sexual offences increasing

11.7.1 Urban green spaces were the most popular type of green and natural space visited by Irish households in Quarter 3 of 2021, with 32% of households visiting most days and a further 34% visiting most weeks. The figure was higher for urban households with 74% visiting most weeks. Fields, farms and countryside, and woodland or forest areas were each visited by 31% of households most weeks. No disaggregation of open space available to persons with disabilities.

11.7.2 The number of crimes recorded in most other crime incident type categories fell in the year to Q2 2021 compared to the previous year, for example in burglary and related offences (down by 5,349, or 37.2%), theft and related offences (down by 13,231, or 22.0%) and robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (down by 444, or 20.7%).
Sexual offences increased by 227 (+7.5%) over the same period.

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