
What we do ___

NO FEE0563 Coalition 2030 hustings

Coalition 2030 is a multisectoral partnership of over 70 civil society and trade union organisations in Ireland. As a network, we critically assess Ireland’s progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, both nationally and globally; we encourage the government to adopt open and participatory Sustainable Development Goal monitoring and implementation; and we support our members in their efforts to advance sustainable development.

Coalition Building ___

“It offers a chance for us to see what other organisations are doing in relation to the same issues”
“It is an opportunity to network and promote our work”
“It helps to show how many of the current global problems are linked in a complex system in which resolving one issue cannot be done in isolation, but requires concerted effort, in a wider framework”
“It provides a range of perspectives and expertise in seeking achievement of Agenda 2030.”
“It allows for consolidating and presenting ‘shared civil society views’”
“It creates an advocacy voice at a collective level”
“It brings together the various pillars to campaign with common purpose”
“It’s a space for sectors to cooperate for progressive change”
“It provides an opportunity to collaborate and have a stronger voice than if we were advocating alone”
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A coalition is a group of people or organisations from different political or social groups, who are co-operating to achieve a particular aim. Here are some testimonials from Coalition 2030 members reflecting on the value of being part of Coalition 2030.

Be the Change, join Coalition 2030

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Coalition 2030 advocates for improved governance, financing and implementation of Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals objectives.

We develop reports, policy proposals, and submissions, advocating for our policy recommendations with elected officials directly, via letters, meetings and phone calls. We also support
Oireachtas Committees in their efforts to ensure their shadow departments are carrying out the necessary work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


Advocacy ____

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International ___

SDG Watch Europe —

We are part of SDG Watch Europe, an EU-level cross-sectoral civil society organisation alliance, focusing on development, environment, social, human rights and other areas. Its goal is to hold governments to account for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (including the Sustainable Development Goals).

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NGO Major Group —

We feed into the United Nations NGO Major Group which supports and facilitates the participation of non-governmental organisations, in the processes directly and indirectly related to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which takes place in New York in July each year. When possible, we attend international summits and conferences relevant to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Our _____

We develop reports, write joint submissions, send letters to relevant elected representatives, and publish educational documents. You can find international resources as well as those from Coalition 2030 and its members here.

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