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EAPN Ireland Briefing on the 2022 CSO Income and Poverty Data

The EAPN Ireland Briefing on the 2022 CSO Income and Poverty Data is now online. Our briefing breaks down the key data on income, poverty and inequality in Ireland, and the groups most impacted. It also outlines what the Government should do to effectively tackle the root causes of poverty.

Poverty and inequality levels significantly increased between 2021 and 2022, with many people facing even greater challenges making ends meet.

People who were unemployed, those unable to work due to long-standing health problems, lone parent households, and households with one adult under 65 years all continue to experience higher levels of poverty.

The latest data shows that people aged 65 years and over are increasingly experiencing high levels of poverty.

These latest figures demand urgent and meaningful Government action, both to tackle the immediate drivers of the cost of living, as well as to address the systemic root causes of poverty.

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